#984 Haystack tagging model

Marco Ferreira Mon 25 Apr 2022

Hi all,

I'm giving my first steps into the Haystack, so I'm still a bit confused about it, and I'm having some difficulties to find the proper documentation about it, specially how to know the best way of tagging equipment. For example hand/off/auto in the electrical panel board how it should be the best configuration for that?

Can anyone point me in the best direction for this? All the best.

Brian Frank Tue 26 Apr 2022

For example hand/off/auto in the electrical panel board how it should be the best configuration for that?

If it was defined you would see under the children section of the elec-panel type. However, we don't currently have any standardized points defined for that equipment type. It would most likely be something like this though:

enable cmd point

John Petze Tue 26 Apr 2022

Take a look at the Examples. They provide a fully tagged model for 3 different types of buildings and equipment down to the zone level. https://project-haystack.org/example

Hiroko Masuda Thu 12 Sep 2024

We didn't import HOA points for several years but decided to import them, and I found this post. This is one of many points that we have to come up with proprietary tags. There are so many points and equips like that, and we can't wait for standardization. My approach is to create a tag that is descriptive enough so you can replace it with something later if needed. Brian, HOA are typical BAS points for any HVAC motor equipment, but putting it under elec-panel is not useful. John, the examples can represent probably 10-20% of the point-varieties we have. I still like these examples to understand the philosophy of the haystack tagging scheme.

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